Sexual Trauma

You want to feel safe again. You’ve had a traumatic experience that left you feeling powerless and defenseless. You’re seeking to regain control. You need someone to help you learn to heal from this complex trauma you’ve experienced, and to help guide you through the difficult decision-making processes that subsequently follow an assault. Together, we will work toward learning to manage your trauma, as well as rationally work through your emotions and decision making throughout the process.

Sexual Assault

Sexual abuse is one of the most hidden behaviors in our society. It is concealed by perpetrators, and often kept secret by victims due to feelings of shame and fear of judgment. Although recent #MeToo Movements has encouraged more people to speak out about sexual assault, there is still not enough talk about sexual abuse, or support for survivors. Many people hesitate to speak up or seek help for sexual trauma, particularly victims of color and male victims.

One out of every six women has been the victim of rape, with an even higher percentage having experienced general sexual assault or other sexual trauma. The repercussions from being assaulted can vary. Impacts from assault can be shorter term, but in more likely cases, will cases develop into symptoms of anxiety, depression, and PTSD. In fact, over 1/3 of sexual assault victims developed PTSD at some point after their abuse.

In therapy for sexual trauma, we will collaborate to minimize the impacts of the aftermath of your assault, and help work towards healthy coping and healing. Together, we will practice mindfulness-based relaxation techniques for physical reactivity, gain self-compassion, set boundaries within sexual communication, and eliminating self-blame.

Employer, Executive, and Celebrity Sexual Harassment

81% of women has been sexually harassed in their workplace. Part of the #MeToo Movement that took off was the factor that people in positions of higher power and status were harassing, coercing, or manipulating employees (primarily women) often to maintain or advance their positions in the workplace. We constantly see headlines of celebrities in high level positions abusing their power and status to attempt to force women into unwanted sexual acts.

Unnecessary sexual commentary in the workplace can lead to an uncomfortable and hostile work environment. The assaulter has power and status over you, which makes decisions about how to handle the aftermath of an assault much more difficult. The pressure of knowing that if you do report, it may become a public knowledge can be extremely overbearing. You question the possibility of losing your job, your friends and family as your support network, or your personal identity pre-assault, as well as the potential for retaliation. Therapy can help you learn to manage the tricky situation harassment or assault by an employer has put you in.

Sexual Abuse by “Loved Ones”

You have experienced the ultimate betrayal. How could someone you love hurt you in the most detrimental way? How could someone who was supposed to protect you, force upon you something so uninvited and traumatizing? The pain of being assaulted or raped by a loved one is agonizing and substantial. You can’t just cut this person out of your life… they are family, or even your partner. You’re wondering if it was “really” rape if it was committed by your boyfriend or husband. You have to live under the same roof as this person – and sleep near them night after night. The fear of re-assault is constantly dwelling over you, creating major distress.

Whether your abuse happened during childhood, or is a present day occurrence, we are here to support your healing process.

“Date Rape”

Date rape is most common amongst youth and college aged women. Date rape is the term used for being assaulted by a person you casually know, or went on a “date” with. Often times, drugging the victim is involved in date rape, or other substances were involved. Even if you were consensually using substances that does not mean you consented to sexual acts. Self-blame and guilt is particularly high in cases of date rape, as the victim feels they put themselves in the situation to be assaulted. Therapy for sexual trauma will help re-frame your thinking to become more self-compassionate and re-frame the way you view your assault.