Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

“It feels like I’m always reliving it.” ~ PTSD generally has a stigma. The average person thinks of a combat veteran when they imagine PTSD — an individual who was severely impacted by high levels of trauma. However, PTSD is another disorder that falls on a wide spectrum. PTSD can range from acute to chronic, and a diagnosis may apply in more cases than you might imagine. Anyone who has experienced and/or witnessed a traumatic event, and is impacted by it on a regular basis, may suffer from a variation of PTSD.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder impacts approximately 14 million American’s each year. PTSD can form from experiences with childhood trauma, sexual assault, physical abuse, community violence, car accidents, and many other causes. Women and people of color are the most likely to suffer from PTSD. Those with PTSD struggle with intense, disturbing, and overwhelming emotions around their traumatic experience. Those with PTSD may have difficulty maintaining healthy relationships, desire to isolate or avoid many circumstances, difficulty keeping up with work, and disassociation from reality. Severe PTSD may require collaboration with a Psychiatrist or Medical Doctor.

In Therapy for PTSD

we will take a trauma-informed approach to your care. California Trauma Therapy believes in consent-based therapy, meaning that we will not discuss any details of your trauma until you are fully ready to disclose. You will learn mindfulness and relaxation techniques in order to manage your physiological responses to triggers. We will collaborate to implement new coping strategies for when trauma triggers arise. Therapy will work to re-frame your thinking around your trauma to view the world in a less negative way, as well as feel more in control in your day-to-day life.

Signs of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Include:

  • Nightmares / Flashbacks

  • Physical Reactivity

  • Hyper vigilance / Heightened Startle Response

  • Isolation

  • Emotional Distress

  • Negative Mood

  • Risk Taking Behaviors

(Please note, that while California Trauma Therapy does work with PTSD, California Trauma Therapy does not treat severe active suicidal ideation, or patients with recent suicide attempts. Clients with active suicidal ideation may need a higher level of Psychiatric care or impatient program. Please refer to “Resources” Page for Emergency Numbers, or go to your nearest emergency room if you are actively suicidal).