Interpersonal Relationships

“Maintaining friendships and relationships is so difficult.” ~ Biologically, humans crave connection. Many contributing factors can lead up to your difficulty in fostering relationships with others. Attachment bonds, trauma, personality disorders, or even just a complex relationship history - are all factors that could lead to having issues with relationships.

Approximately 36% of Americans (and 62% of young adults!) report feeling “lonely” throughout the week. If you are feeling disconnected from others, or feels you have a pattern of unhealthy relationship dynamics, therapy for interpersonal relationships may be a good fit for you. Struggles with interpersonal relationships can lead to depression, anxiety, isolation, and other more serious mental health disorders.

In Therapy for Interpersonal Relationships

we will explore the root of your difficulty with relationship dynamics with others, as well as your relationship and behavioral patterns. We will learn to create your personal boundaries that you give and receive, as well as gain communication skills that lead to nurturing healthy relationships. Therapy will teach you problem solving skills to view and approach your relationship difficulties in a different way, as well as cope with relational difficulties easier when they arise.

Signs of Relational Issues Include:

  • Difficulties with boundaries

  • Discomfort with vulnerability

  • Frequent conflicts with others

  • Difficulty with communication

  • Black and White Thinking

  • Difficulty making/keeping friends

  • Feelings of mistrust